
  • Risks

    Modellers: When Are They Turning Into a Cult?

    (Originally published in LinkedIn – December 2020) I had two meetings this week with fellow risk professionals, one is with audience from my home country (Indonesia) and the other one is more diverse (from US and HK). The subject is more or less the same, over technological improvements on financial sectors, especially related to AI/ML. In both meetings, I have this gut feeling that the main message both audiences believe is technological improvement is a necessary mean of survival for any financial sector company right now, in which I am also a proponent of this idea. Innovation

  • Risks

    When The Clock Stop Ticking

    (Originally published in LinkedIn – March 2020) Yesterday, WHO Chief, Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced coronavirus outbreak as pandemic. In his announcement, he explained that the number of cases outside China had increased 13-fold in two weeks and he was “deeply concerned” by “alarming levels of inaction”. One day after the announcement, global market reacted today with massive sell-offs that also affected commodity prices as well. The announcement seemed effective in alarming market participants over what they have been anticipating, another recession. The large difference this time than the last one in 2008, it can create a large both